Thursday, September 30, 2010

What castle did I build today?

Without new pictures readily available, I am submitting old images of castles we built, with lots of parking spaces. These are of great importance anything built with my son- roads and parking spaces. 

We no longer have this busy and awkward rug in our living room/playroom. This rug served well to appease a cranky downstairs neighbor, who has since moved (whew!). We still try to be conscious, almost too conscientious, of any noise made upon the floor and give too much restriction to full play. How I wish we had a yard, house, no downstairs neighbors.  but that wish is getting boring to discuss.... poop or get off the pot! 

What I am really discussing here is the issue of Parenting- giving attention and conscientiousness to the words, messages, interactions, influences and activities shared with my child. This is a tall, tall, tall order and with such delicacy and trigger points. I have lots of thoughts and feelings about this and much to say as I am practicing everyday how to do a better job of communicating, sharing, loving raising, disciplining and being present for my son and his father too. What castles can we build today?

No time now, I will talk in depth later. 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Just Tryin'

It is infuriating. It is frustrating. Is it the energy of the stars? Is something in retrograde or new or full or  unbalanced?  I feel on the edge today - just trying to be the best mom, person I can-  and every one is complaining and crying and fighting. All in this home environment of tension, immobility and depression. And I am yelling at life, time, my son, my husband. Everything I don't want to do. Everything I don't want to be.

Can I blame someone, something? CAN'T I? Can someone act with responsibility besides me? I'm going now to sell some jewelry today.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

nothing breakable in this river

kayaking in the hallway

bouncing peanut

We ventured upriver along the Hudson over the weekend. We drove the curvy Sawmill Parkway. Still the ghosts of last summer's tragedy haunt the exits we pass...and we had a narrow escape as we came around a curve, halting to someone backing up at a missed exit. The pileup was nearly missed.

 Lisa and John's house is so colorful and joyful. It is fully and artfully created. Unusually pieced together with found windows, doors, chandeliers. All are hand picked, fitted with slowly evolving paper walls and decks without railings. Each time we visit, their bedroom is in a different location. In the dusty basement with a dirt floor, or in the upper attic, now stacked with paintings. This time it was in the second apartment, where we once slept in the nook (now office) with an incredible river view.

 Each time I go there, I dream of my house, of the house I've been creating my entire life. Even as a child I dreamt of it. I've collected pieces, like Lisa -only on a much smaller scale- to compose my window or my garden wall.  I saved a piece of green stained glass that came from a window in my grandparents house. That piece was broken when my aunt through a shoe at me when I was 8 or 9. I have a collection of pottery shards I've saved from around the world to be assembled into my sculpted garden wall. 

I never dreamed of having children or a husband or a family, but a house. All that other stuff was there too I guess, but in the background. People floated in and out like at my grandparents house- friends, neighbors, family- all equally important, loved, welcomed, fed and cared for. In my house there are lots of people of all ages. Nothing ever really neat but always comfortable and creative, bright, sunny with a big garden and lots of trees. 

Now I have a child, a husband, a family- the things I didn't dream of until much later in my visions manifest- and I still don't have this house. I know I will, maybe more that one. I do have a wonderful home today, though it is a rented apartment, with no land attached. And I have fears of ever implanting the stained glass or the pottery shards into a single location. I've moved so often, throughout my life especially as a child, that must be why I dreamed of the house. The secure place where I could create all my vistas,  store my china, plant my visions. And over these years I have re-learned the poetry of security, of home, of place and family. Thank you for everything that I have today and the inspiration and love I find in my friends and their home creations.    

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Things That I Love Part 3 (or is it 4?)

We're going back to Castleton On Hudson, this weekend, to dismantle our work from the exhibition Castleton 12. The show was gratefully written up in this blog The closing party is Saturday night.

The above photo is my son's contribution to the exhibition. He was gifted a box of these wonderful Hot Wheels band-aids enroute to this riverside town. He spent the entire installation weekend plastering them everywhere- all over his body, walls, doors, corners, windows, floors and columns. Above is one photo of his work, not labeled like the rest of our work in this renewed & reinvented old theatre.

Another capture of arrangement and play

"If you could see [him] through my eyes..."

I saw one of my all-time favorite movies, Caberet, for the 10 or 20th time. I first saw it as a child, 8 or 9 years old and I loved it then, though I didn't fully understand it. Last weekend, it was as brilliant as ever- even though it wasn't in color- the songs, the dancing, the filming, cutting, editing, the metaphors, even the sexuality -flowing subtly without PC banality. (It was 1972). I think it was Liza Minnelli's career apex, and I imagine Joel Grey's too. So I can add that film to my list of "Things That I Love...". And of course, most everything about my boy too. Not because he is my boy but simply because he is just evolving and unfolding as a person before my eyes. I am enjoying this witness so much and am so awed by his power, will, love, wonder and joy. It is like magic and I am amazed that I get to be part of the life and life process of this little miracle. 

When I am not in total terror of how I can be even a good parent- give, feed, say, react, express, share, respond and behave in even the remotely right ways- I'm biting my tongue about my husband's parenting. That poor guy has to withstand the so many times I didn't bite my tongue. Actually, the amount of difficulty and criticism I give him is paltry compared to the voices of self-criticism and fear I am only beginning to wean from. Today, I am actively trying to improve every aspect of my parenting, my relational, personal, emotional, spiritual life and the influences those lives have on my family. my life and the environment around me. 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I woke up to this creation

I woke up (not today but another day) and found this creation made by my son, 3 & 1/2 years old.

The day before, this was an 8.5 x 11" paper, this day -transformed into a perfect collage of cut pieces.
This is the discovery of learning to cut paper with scissors, with his father.

He loves to arrange things in a perfect way, his perfect way. Since he was an infant, things had their place and direction, if altered, a discord occured.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

visit this blog

Here's a great write up on an exhibition I am showing in...visit this blog: