Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Giving Thanks

I take this week, this day, this breath, to give a deep and thoughtful Thanks for everything I have today, 
just exactly as it is.

Thank you for this day that we all can give thanks together- I am especially grateful that my husband, son & I will spend Thanksgiving weekend with my Grandmother, my father, Aunts, Uncles and cousins.

Friday, November 19, 2010

My beloved ancestor

Finally a visual.  
Though not a "pretty" one.
Here is  an odd visual of stick puppet of a "beloved ancestor"- my mother, Marie. I included with her, her deeply loved dogs Sophie and Rosie, the Westie girls. This was my mother at a happy time in her life. She was a bit more stylish than depicted but she was casual gardening in jeans. Hard to make stylish with silly stick puppets. 

I had so much fun making her that I want to make more puppets- of my whole family. My son loves it too and wants me to make one of himself. We can act out with them, play act do emotions and tell stories. This is my next project to do with my son, we'll start tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The gravity of creating

I sit here, late, trying to edit and perfect my title picture. Reveal, not reveal. Just like many things, none of it is going to be as I imagine- sometimes better sometime not, yet that all has to do with looking from the outside in rather than looking from my center out. That is where I'd rather be and to view from.

Not being a writer, but a visual artist, it is awkward to be speaking to an audience and tip-toeing around my truth, my identity, my life and yet revealing all the same. Using only words.

A dear friend who has helped me immensely,  one of the most delicious writers  (and visual artists) I have ever met sits on my shoulder and encourages me. She believes in me in ways I don't even see. She supports me with words and books. I owe it to her, and to another inspiring friend in D.C., that I am continuing on this path of blog sharing. Naked without my pictures.

I have journeyed into alot of art making and real creativity this past week. I taught a lot of classes to children which was exciting and refreshing. Plus in the class I am taking, I have a studio practice too. I just finished making a wonderful puppet of a "beloved ancestor". I chose my mother, Marie who lives up in the stars. It gives me a sense of gravity I have forgotten I need to hold me up, just to make things and to be working with the materials. I am loving this gravity!

My baby calls me. It is late, he feels cold and wants the comfort and warmth of his mother. I'll show some visuals soon...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Peace Piece Part 1.2

I haven't posted in so long I, once again, feel awkward and tentative to begin.
I have written in my head so many times, sometimes with pen even, but my fingers have not.

I have been so busy these past weeks. Trying to fit it all in. and Following through with my intensions and actions of presence, focus, healing and practicing my little 'bit here and little bit there'. In all that, writing and sharing with this larger audience has come last. So here I am today, to just give my little bit to report on my October commitment and clarify my November commitment to Peace, briefly.

All in all, October was a challenge but a learning challenge on the path of "being the peace; being the person I want others to be". As I said I have been practicing. Doing a bit here, a bit there and that feels 100% better than trying to do all of this and all of that and finding it impossible. 

I noticed when I didn't practice, things went wrong and I found myself feeling awful. Each time, each day has been a new lesson. I have found how important my awareness and gratitude has been in this process. 

I am so grateful I have been given the opportunity, in October and still in November to find healing, and my process to find and create the space of peace around me.

I yet have a long way to go. My intention, my commitment  to this Peace project is to continue my October commitment to be the person I want others to be and to be the person I believe the universe wants me to be. Thank you for giving me the space to recommit to this  and share in this commitment with others.

Walk the walk.

Be peace.

Be the piece.

Together...let's piece together peace.