Thursday, September 1, 2011

Heal Thyself!

Today is a day for self-care of sorts.

Started out with Family therapy. Difficult, but good. We came out feeling better than we went in that is for sure. Shocking, since we just re-hashed our heightened and cyclical tensions. But there is something so good about bringing the truth to light and a good mediator is so wonderful. I have no prior experience with this success, but I am grateful. After 3 others, this therapist is so lovely and helpful.

Magnolia Bakery treat next. Worth the few dollars it cost. Total $4.50. Scrumptious peach cobbler ($3.00). The small cupcake size was perfect and relatively inexpensive at Magnolia, world-famous perfect cupcake bakery. The cobbler topping so reminded me of the delicious taste of my grandmothers extra pie crusts we would eat, sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. And the fruit softened by baking is always a treat to taste. Like a mini peach pie! Plus, I enjoyed the peach cobbler with a lovely cup of fair-trade coffee with warm milk ($1.50).

Next stop to the "diamond district" to sell some jewelry. I was there recently, and they recognized me. I'm sorry to say I have to spend that first sale money on paying my bills but hoping this time to put these few dollars in savings. Doing this and having it is really comforting to me. More so that having the jewelry as a security "when i really need it". Well now is that time and I am happy to have it in monetary bills rather than in an imaginary security.

Then, I was headed to a special spiritual meeting, deciding between one at 12:15, 12:30 or 1:00 (I love that abundance). I got a text from my husband that we both had to be present to apply for marriage registration at the consulate. I went there next, waiting patiently in line. I was ultimately able to attend the last half of the 1:00 meeting. That was so good, even just that little bit of grace I received by entering the room and being there.

Now I am home. Paid my rent. Made some healthy phone calls and took care of myself today. I am ready to pick up my boy. Pick up our CSA box of vegetables at the community center. Go home, make dinner. Play together some. Plan our adventure day together tomorrow, just the 2 of us. Then go to bed and rest.

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