Friday, October 1, 2010

My Commitment to Peace

It is Oct 1st, I am making a commitment not only to meditate more often, bringing more peace to my heart but, to really do my best to bring peace to my home, everyday, every minute that I humanly can. 

I have an affirmation taped on my bathroom mirror which is based on Gandhi's brilliant quote " the change you want to see". My affirmation, which I read each day, (along with 2 others)  says "I am so grateful for being the person I want others to be..." -to me this is an affirmation of this same commitment, particularly in my home...being that person I want others- expect others- wish others- criticise others for NOT being (others=my husband, my child, my boss, et al).    TO BE THAT PERSON. I am committing to this, which is much bigger than an affirmation and here I voice it out loud to all of you, to the wind, to the world, to the ethers, to the cracks and crevices of my heart and my ears, inner and outer. 

Here is my continual commitment to this great project I am grateful to join in:
piece together peace from Threading Light

Walk the walk.
Be the piece.
Be peace.
Together... let's Piece together Peace.


  1. Dear Sheila, Thank you so much for your beautiful intention. I am inspired. That affirmation is powerful. Come back at the end of the month and let us know how this intention affected you and your loves. Thanks for jumping in and making piece together peace come alive!
    Love, blessings, and peace~

  2. Hey, I noticed art as one of your interests, I started a new art blog maybe u'll like it! Thanks and keep up great work.

  3. Thank you Elizabeth for you beautiful, inspirational and active blogs. I just found you today, through Soule Mama. I was inspired by her in Mothering magazine a year or so ago. She introduced me to this community of artist mothers. I am new at and in this community and just discovering ways that I can create, share, support and be supported. Thanks for the contact. Please let me know how I can link up to your blogs automatically. Oh perhaps I have done that already with threading light.

    I am a working mom, co-parenting a 3.5 year old boy, living in the city, longing for some earth.

    My boy sat on my lap while I looked at so wabi sabi. As he looked at each photo with your son he asked "who is that?", or "I want to play with him" and "Lets play there"
    love & blessings to you too!

  4. Sure...come on over and play;) It looks like you have linked my blogs in your blogroll. I'll be following you through threading light and piece together peace project. Thanks so much for connecting with us (and me)!
    Love, blessings, and peace~

  5. I so admire and been inspired by the things you've shared. I love the radiating light list of links on threading light. What a breath of fresh air I have enjoyed from you (and Lisa) gifts.

  6. Great true. Wishing you luck on your journey for peace.

  7. What a great commitment. So often I find myself wanting, or actually, criticizing those closest to you mention husband, children, family, but BUT you nailed it right to the point! We have to live this dream and make it a clear reality so that others may follow our lead. It's a tough one, but a wise and noble feat! Thanks so much for joining in on this lovely walk. I look forward to connecting with you in this space each month through this project!


  8. That's a beautiful affirmation! I am excited about participating in this - I not only need it, but deserve to do it for myself.


  9. I LOVE this and need very much to remember these words. I am going to post them on my bathroom mirror too and on my desk at work, where I REALLY need to remember.
    Much love
