Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Vanity of Control

Lisa dancing in front of my illumined paintings "Peace Scrolls" at Castleton 12

See this and other work at Castleton 12

Every little step in this journey of parenting is so joyous but yet frightfully precarious. What we feed our child(ren), how we discipline, the words used, the approach taken, enough focused time together or enough time for them to play and imagine themselves. Too much movie watching, not enough time at the park, need to have time for doing my own busy work, none-the-less, self care. How to discipline and change the limits of things that have been permissible before. Avoiding the meltdowns or even to simply remain calm during a meltdown. Teaching boundaries and my own journey learning them (boundaries) myself. What a mirror my child is of my own behavior.

And then, the most difficult one of all, is getting square and agreeable with my partner when it come to all these seemingly minor actions, reactions, behaviors and disciplines.

All in all we are just learning to live together in a space (a home, a family) that is agreeable, peaceful, productive and loving for all.

1 comment:

  1. I like this. Every little step does count. And I agree, we are all always learning to live together. It is not easy.
